Corporate Social Responsibility

Camilsons Group takes its corporate social responsibility seriously. Even since we have started, we have carried out various works around Goa and India including beach cleanup activities, water body cleaning activities and direct social assistance where required.

Beach Cleanup Activities

Goa Liberation Day (19th December) is one of the regular beach clean up dates of the Camilsons group. The activity is open for all to participate and generally it is held at one of the beaches in South Goa.

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Water Body Cleanup

The Kafmar group has been using their amphibious machine and manpower to clean up several water bodies over the past few years.

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Donations & Assistance

Assistance to those who need it. Especially in this pandemic environment, the Camilsons Group has been providing medical equipment, sanitizing material and safety gear to front line health care workers and members of the police force.

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River Mithi Project 2018, 2019

The river is 18 kms long, starts from Vihar Lake, Powai and ends at Bandra. It is considered as the life line of Mumbai.30 years back, locals used the water for drinking and other domestic purposes but now it is filled with garbage and sewage water.
Kafmar associated with this project in December 2018. Every Sunday volunteers headed by Adv Afroz clean the area of garbage and weeds. Kafmar with the help of its amphibious machine has cleared an area of 300 m2 of Garbage and Hyacinths as part of its Social responsibility activity. Reed bed system model project underway.

  • Garbage removal
  • Trench Making
  • Reed bed system install

CSR Opportunities for other companies and businesses.

Here is a chance for you to write out a cheque to Mother Nature and do your bit towards making the environment better for your locality, now and for future generations. Our Adopt a Water Body scheme invites you to sponsor a cleanup and maintenance project at a water body of your choice or you can select from project options we have available. Call for details 8805002156

Garbage & Weed Removal

Cleaning activity with amphibious machine to create a healthier environment

Area Beautification

Plantation, repairs and landscaping to restore natural beauty.